Sous vide, in Frânske term dy't "ûnder fakuüm" betsjut, is in kokentechnyk dy't de manier revolúsjonearre wêrop wy koekje. Troch fakuüm-fersegele iten te ûnderdompeljen yn in wetterbad mei krekt kontroleare temperatueren, soarget sous vide foar sels koken en ferbettere smaak. Chitco, a leading name in the cooking equipment industry, is taking this technology to new heights with its state-of-the-art sous vide plants. But what exactly is sous vide used for? Let's explore the countless possibilities.
**1. Folslein gekookt proteïne:**
**2. Vegetables with enhanced flavor:**
**3. Eggs with unparalleled consistency:**
**4. Infusion and Dessert:**
**5. Meal Prep and Batch Cooking:**
Post tiid: Sep-26-2024